Open the SANsymphony-V Performance Monitor Configuration program.
Make sure you see the same screen as shown below, as there are 2
different Performance Monitor Tools.
You can find a more detailed guideline by DataCore, how to work with Performance Monitor Configuration:
Add the following counters to be exported:
Category: DataCore Servers
Instances: All Instances
Category: DataCore Server SCSI ports
Instances: All Instances
Category: DataCore Disk pools
Instances: All Instances
Category: DataCore Physical Disk
Instances: All Instances
Category: DataCore Virtual Disks
Instances: All Instances
Close SANsymphony-V Performance Monitor Configuration program after the change!
Download Link – opvizor-datacore Datensammler:
Unblock the archive! Please make sure to unblock the downloaded
Unzip the content of opvizor-datacore zip file to a directory you
want the application to run from, our recommendation is C:\Program
Now you need to change the string pa_appliance_ip in the
telegraf.conf file urls = [“http://pa_appliance_ip:8086”] to the
IP address or network name of the Performance analyzer virtual
Open a Windows Command Line or PowerShell Session having
administrative rights
Run the following command:
“C:\Program Files\Telegraf\telegraf.exe” –config “C:\Program
Files\Telegraf\telegraf.conf” –config-directory “C:\Program
Files\Telegraf\telegraf.d” –service install
That installs the Data collection service and it collects the MS Windows
data of the server as well as the datacore data.
If you want to collect Windows data from the other Datacore hosts in
the cluster as well, please install telegraf as well, but delete the
“C:\Program Files\Telegraf\telegraf.d” folder!
To manage the telegraf data collector:
net stop telegraf
net start telegraf
Create a new data source
Add the Datacore data source named DataCoreInflux:
Click Save & Test.
Now, you need to import the DataCore Dashboard json file that can be
When importing the dashboard please select DataCoreInflux as the Influx
After a couple of minutes, you should see the first data within your
DataCore SANSymphony Dashboard.
If you want to uninstall the service for any reason, you can do so by
running telegraf –service uninstall within the installation directory
as an administrator.