

Dashboards are the primary reasons you use Performance Analyzer; you want to see what your various VMware installations are doing.

There are a number of types dashboards:

Name Purpose
VMware Capacity Planning: Infrastructure Overall capacity and performance across clusters; Analyze and plan capacity and load trends, etc.
VMware Capacity Planning: Cluster Overall capacity and performance by clusters; Analyze and plan capacity and load trends, etc.
VMware Capacity: Computing Individual computing host or group capacity and performance; computing group view; Analyze computing group performance and resource utilization, etc.
VMware Capacity: Storage Individual storage datastore capacity and performance; storage group view; Analyze storage group performance and resource utilization, etc.
VMware Capacity: VM Snapsots Individual VM snapshot capacity and utilization; VM Snapshot view; Analyze Virtual Machine Snapshot resource utilization, etc.
VMware Performance: Network Network Ports with send/receive data and link utilization for Ethernet, send/receive statistics; Network Port views; Analyze for busiest Ports, trending of usage, etc
VMware Performance: Host Cluster Top performance computing metrics and entity utilization, network pattern and disk IO behavior of ESXi hosts a specific cluster; Analyze CPU and memory constrains, disk and caching performance, VM efficiency, etc.
VMware Performance: Storage Datastore view showing IOP, and latency.  Latency breakdown within selected cluster; Storage views;Analyze for busiest datastores, view detailed latency breakdown, etc
VMware Performance: Storage Cluster Datastore view showing IOP, and latency.  Latency breakdown for all cluster at once; Storage views;Analyze for busiest datastores, view detailed latency breakdown, etc
VMware Performance: Host Single Top performance computing metrics and entity utilization, network pattern and disk IO behavior of a specific ESXi host; Analyze CPU and memory constrains, disk and caching performance, VM efficiency, etc.
VMware Performance: VM Top VM performance computing metrics and entity utilization, network pattern and disk IO behavior; VM views; Analyze VM CPU and memory constrains, disk and caching performance, VM efficiency, etc.
VMware Performance: VM Cluster Top Cluster VM performance computing metrics and entity utilization, network pattern and disk IO behavior; VM Cluster views; Analyze Cluster VM CPU and memory constrains, disk and caching performance, VM efficiency, etc.
VMware Statistics: Cluster Quickview Get statistics about CPU, Memory, Disk and VM usage per Cluster; cluster views; Check long and short term resource utilization and export statistics, etc.
VMware Statistics: Overall Infrastructure Your complete overview about your whole VMware vSphere environment; landscape view; Check your overall health of your vSphere environment, etc
VMware vscsiStats: Cluster/VM/Disk Provides in depth storage analysis. See vscsiStats for details.
VMware vscsiStats: Host/Datastore Provides in depth storage analysis. See vscsiStats for details.
VMware VSAN Capacity Check the VMware vSAN storage capacity usage over time.
VMware VSAN Monitor Check all vital signals of your VMware vSAN.
VMware vSphere Health Status Get a complete View on your VMware vSphere environment and the VM and Host health; First dashboard to check to get an overall view about critical metrics

Here are some simple task’s you can do with the default dashboards:

To design a new dashboard, see:  Design your own dashboards

To import a dashboard, see: Export and Import Dashboards